OSPE-FCC September 2022 Luncheon Program

OSPE-FCC September 2022 Luncheon Program

Date: Thursday, September 15, 2022

Place: Schmidt's Sausage Haus, 240 E Kossuth St, Columbus, OH

Time: Registration: 11:30 am, Lunch: 11:50 am, Speaker: 12:00 pm, Closing Remarks: 1:00 pm

Cost: Members: $25.00 & Non-Members: $35.00., SPE@OSU Students: $10.00

Registration: CLICK HERE

Title: “Ethics To Professionals”

Synopsis: Observation of professional-ethics has become critical more than ever to professionals accomplishing on various day-to-day tasks. Updates to the principles or canons of professional- ethics are ongoing as put forward by various professions.

The requirements of ethics have been put into practice since the BCE; at the core, the answers to what are ethics?, what is a gift?, what is a profession?, and who is a professional?, need to be well implanted into the professional practice. A ‘gift’ is defined as “item having monetary value” per the US-Senate. The “character, competence, and commitment” in a professional have clearly been identified and practiced, by the US Army. The professionals are (well) identified and have applicable requirements under the code of federal regulations (CFR). In our Engineering profession, we observe the requirements of professional-ethics and periodically obtain training and fine-tune our knowledge, such as reviewing the ethics’ guidance Fundamental Canons for Engineers as stipulated by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has updated the ethical responsibilities for its members to observe on (in the order): society; natural and built environment; profession; clients and employers; and, peers. The environmental, health and, safety and security (EHSs) professionals learn and observe professional ethics in working with multifaceted professional-entities.

This presentation will include: explanation of ethics as stipulated by various (selected) professional societies, institutions, and organizations; professional-ethics requirements of Ohio to professional engineers; and a discussion of, including author(s) observed, ethical-situation(s) (to the extent feasible). Thus, a comprehensive review on professional-ethics would be presented towards a good-guidance to professionals.


Ethics, Ethics, and Ethics to All Professionals

S. Rao Chitikela and William F. Ritter

World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2021 https://ascelibrary.org/doi/10.1061/9780784483466.066

Presenter: S. Rao Chitikela, PhD, PE, PEng, BCEE, F.ASCE Executive - Water, Energy and EHSs, RC-WEE Solutions LLC, Dublin OH

Biography: S. Rao Chitikela holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Delaware (DE) and, has a 30-yr work experience encompassing the government, industry, and academia. Rao is an independent expert and instructor. Dr. Chitikela has published and proven expertise on: water/energy-infrastructure updating; drinking water quality; drinking water and wastewater processing, and effective disposal of solids; water-reuse; air and water modeling; fossil & renewable energy systems and energy auditing; air pollution control; and, environmental (air/water/waste/soil) permitting, auditing, & compliance verification. He is a registered professional engineer in a few states of the USA and AB-Canada, and an AAEES-Board certified environmental engineer (BCEE) in the Water Supply & Wastewater (currently, chair of the committee), Air Pollution Control, and Environmental Sustainability specialties.

A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be presented at the luncheon.

OSPE-FCC August 2022 Virtual Program

Date:  Thursday, August 18, 2022

Location: Zoom Meeting, 12:00pm -1:00pm

RegistrationCLICK HERE!!!

Registration closes at 5:00 pm, August 16, 2022

After registration is closed and prior to the presentation, a Zoom link will be sent to the registrants.


Cost: Free to members of NSPE and members OSPE/FCC.


Title: “Asset Management: Well Rehabilitation”


Abstract:  Throughout a well’s service life, plugging occurs both within the wellbore and adjacent geologic formation. This results in a decline in the wells operational efficiency, pumping capacity, specific capacity, and water quality over time. This presentation will address how to properly identify well fouling mechanisms and make corrective measures through a proper well rehabilitation plan/project approach. This presentation will also discuss how to develop a preventative maintenance program to help optimize service life for a well and its operation following rehabilitation.

 Biography: Matt Barnes serves as the Operations Manager for National Water Services LLC’s Ohio Service Division. Mr. Barnes has nearly 10 years of experience in the Water Resources Industry. Mr. Barnes started his career as a project manager, overseeing negotiated projects and large contract work, with projects ranging between $15,000.00 to $1.1 million in value. Mr. Barnes’ project experience includes, but is not limited to: hydro geologic investigations, test drilling/geotechnical services, high capacity water supply well drilling and construction, non-metallic ore mining, pipe fitting/pipe line installation, water filtration services, pump design/repairs, well rehabilitation/repairs, surface water intake structure upgrades, preventative maintenance/asset management services and asset viability recommendation projects. Mr. Barnes helps design and implement NWS’s safety initiatives along with training programs to meet both company and industrial client standards. Mr. Barnes also provides technical support via attending preconstruction meetings, client sales meetings, design build project development and technical review writeups for project design, execution, and project safe work plans.


A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be emailed to you.

FCC-OSPE 2022 Officer Installation and Awards

The Ohio Society of Professional Engineer’s Franklin County Chapter (FCC) would like to invite you to the Awards and Officers/Trustees Installation Dinner Meeting.  Please join us for an Italian family style dinner and desert.

This event will be held at Buca di Beppo, located at 60 E. Wilson Bridge Road, Worthington, Ohio 43085 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Thursday, May 19.  Registration begins at 6:15. All award recipients and FCC-OSPE members are welcome to attend, and you can bring a plus one! The dinner event is free for all attendees. Please RSVP by Sunday May 15. (Seats are limited.)

Dinner will include Bruschetta, Spaghetti Marinara, Fettuccine Alfredo, and Chicken Parmesan.  This family-style dinner includes Mixed Green and Caesar salads along with fresh Italian bread, soft drinks, iced tea and coffee.  Desert will be Mini Chocolate Chip Cannoli and Tiramisu.  If you have any dietary restrictions, and/or need to request a substitute, please let Nathan know in your RSVP.

This is the official event for the installation of the officers and trustees of the FCC-OSPE for the 2022-2023 year.  Each officer and trustee will be asked to recite the Engineer’s Creed, and then they will be officially recognized for their position starting in July.  Additionally, as part of the evening, we will be handing out several awards to FCC members and guests who have proven excellence in a particular engineering field.

Again, please join us for dinner, installation, and awards!

Space is Limited to the first 20 people to Register. You must register to attend.


If you have any questions please contact Nathan Abele at nabele@smeinc.com.


OSPE-FCC April Virtual Program

Date: Thursday, April 21, 2022

Location: Zoom Meeting, 12:00pm -1:00pm

Registration – Registration closes at 5:00 pm, April 19, 2022

Click Here. Be sure to include your membership number.

After registration is closed and prior to the presentation, a Zoom link will be sent to the registrants.

Cost: Free to members of NSPE and members OSPE/FCC.

Title: “The Grid of Tomorrow: IBRs and Microgrids for Power System Stability”

Abstract Microgrids could become essential to reliable power delivery in the near future. As climate change exacerbates extreme weather events, high penetration of Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) and Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) could contribute to weakening the stability of the grid, if the industry continues to increase these resources without evolving its philosophy of grid protection and control. IBRs are well suited for distributed implementation and could be an effective solution to grid reliability issues, if handled appropriately. With proper planning and sound public policy, design of a system where most distribution circuits can operate as islanded microgrids for extended times, seamlessly disconnect, and reconnect to the transmission grid to help the system stability is within reach. Local governments and municipalities would need to cooperate, perhaps in coordination with federal policy mandates. This presentation displays this vision of the future and presents a patent-pending protection philosophy to complement the existing distribution fuses to isolate faulted branches when islanded.

Biography: Sebastien Billaut, PE is a manager at Commonwealth Associates. Mr. Billaut holds an MS in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics in France and a Professional Engineering license. He has 29 years of utility-related engineering experience, including 21 years of setting protection relays and power system modeling and 16 years of management. He is the patent author for a microgrid fault management technology, and actively participates in the development of industry-wide standards that address the design of microgrid protection systems and reduction of outage time on distribution systems. He serves as Chair of the IEEE PSRC Working Group K29 and D44 and is a voting member of IEEE PSRC Subcommittees D (Transmission Line Protection) and K (Substation Protection) and the Main Committee. He is currently contributing to IEEE 1547.x and IEEE 2800.x (multiple main standard related guiding documents).


A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be emailed to you.