OSPE-FCC September Luncheon Program

OSPE-FCC September Luncheon Program

Date:  Thursday, September 28, 2023

Place:  Hickory House

550 Officecenter Pl., Gahanna, OH

Time:  Registration: 11:30 am

Lunch: 11:50 am

Speaker: 12:00 pm

Closing Remarks: 1:00 pm

Cost: Members: $25.00 & Non-Members: $35.00.

                                    SPE@OSU Students: $10.00

Registration: CLICK HERE Pay by check or cash at the door.  No access to a computer, contact Steve Day, at 614-876-7525, to help with registration.

Title: “Waterline Project Design and Grant Funding Sources

Abstract: Drinking water distribution systems connect water treatment plants or water sources (in the absence of treatment) to customers via a network of pipes, storage facilities, valves, and pumps. In addition to providing water for domestic use, distribution systems may supply water for fire protection, agricultural, and commercial uses. Public water systems (PWSs) are responsible for operating and maintaining their distribution systems, which extend from the designated entry point to the distribution system. This presentation will focus on the design and engineering of distribution systems and physical infrastructure for water systems. Additionally, I will discuss the various grants, bills, and resources available to help fund these improvements.

Learning Objectives:

Understanding the Complexity of Distribution Systems:

Participants will gain insight into the intricate network of components and processes involved in a drinking water distribution system. They will learn about the crucial role played by water treatment plants, pipes, storage facilities, valves, and pumps in ensuring the delivery of clean and reliable water to various sectors of society, including residential, commercial, agricultural, and for fire protection.


Importance of Maintenance and Upkeep: The presentation will highlight the significance of regular maintenance and upkeep in maintaining the functionality and reliability of distribution systems. Attendees will learn about preventive measures and best practices to extend the lifespan of infrastructure components, thereby reducing the risk of service disruptions and costly repairs.


Accessing Funding and Resources for System Improvement: Participants will gain knowledge about the available grants, bills, and resources that can help fund improvements and enhancements to drinking water distribution systems. This information will empower individuals and organizations to navigate the funding landscape and secure the financial support needed to address infrastructure challenges and ensure the continued delivery of safe drinking water to communities.


Presenter: Mr. Dustin Doherty, PE, CPESC, MS4-SCP

Biography: Mr. Doherty is a seasoned civil engineer with over 18 years of successful experience managing site civil design projects, hydraulic modeling, public infrastructure assessment/ rehabilitation, private commercial site design, institutional utility projects and City Engineer support services. This type of experience provides Mr. Doherty with the knowledge base to provide technically competent and cost-effective solutions for utility infrastructure. As a former municipal engineer for Grove City, Whitehall, Reynoldsburg, and Sunbury, Dustin has extensive experience effectively presenting information in public meetings (council meetings, committee meetings, commission meetings, etc.). He has participated in and/or led public outreach efforts for many projects and engages the public frequently to work through any concerns. He supports CEC’s engineering efforts for capital improvement projects for various communities. He is an experienced project manager and engineer who is very familiar with the engineering requirements relating to public infrastructure improvements.

A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for

attending the program will be emailed to the attendee.

OSPE-FCC June Luncheon Program

OSPE-FCC June Luncheon Program

Date:  Thursday, June 1, 2023

Place:  Hickory House

550 Officecenter Pl., Gahanna, OH

Time:  Registration: 11:30 am

Lunch: 11:50 am

Speaker: 12:00 pm

Closing Remarks: 1:00 pm

Cost: Members: $25.00 & Non-Members: $35.00.

                                    SPE@OSU Students: $10.00

Registration: CLICK HERE. Pay by check or cash at door.  No access to a computer, contact Steve Day, at 614-876-7525, to help with registration.

Title: “Treated and Regulated Municipal Wastewater Effluents to Direct Potable Reuse (DPR)”

Abstract: Municipal wastewater (all inflows, as permitted) is treated, as per the applicable national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) regulatory and permit requirements in the US.   The final and regulated wastewater effluents are discharged back to watershed(s) and, however, with the industrial reuse where (economically) feasible.  Worldwide, this final wastewater-effluent resource is started being noticed as “non-revenue water.” The treated municipal wastewater effluents can be considered for indirect potable reuse (IPR) or direct potable reuse (DPR). The processing of those final municipal-wastewater effluents to DPR quality, does require advanced water treatment (AWT). Application(s) of water-reuse completes the operation of municipal water-infrastructure in the mode of circular-economy.

Learning Objectives:

1 - Quality of treated and final municipal         wastewater effluents in the US;

2 - Advanced water treatment systems (AWTSs);

3 – Current standards and regulatory requirements (as selected);

4 - product-water quality;

5 - energy use;

6 - associated-costs (in-brief)


Presenter: Mr. S. Rao Chitikela, PhD, PE, PEng, BCEE, F.ASCE

Biography: S. Rao Chitikela holds a PhD in Civil Engineering and has a 30-yr work experience encompassing the government, industry, and academia. Rao is currently an independent consultant/expert on providing the water-infrastructure updating, energy-efficiency, and EHSs services. Dr. Chitikela has proven expertise on: drinking water quality; drinking water and wastewater processing, and effective disposal of solids;

water-reuse; biogas-to-energy CHP renewable-systems and other renewables; air pollution control; and environmental permitting, auditing, & compliance verification.  He is a registered professional engineer in

a few states of US and AB-Canada, and AAEES board certified environmental engineer (BCEE) in the specialties of Water supply & Wastewater (currently, Chair of the committee), Air resources and Pollution control, and Environmental Sustainability. Rao has advised with a technical leadership role on supporting the water-infrastructure upgrades at various cities, towns, and villages in the US, where the project(s) are delivered via a verified, guaranteed, and positive-cashflow observed performance assurance infrastructure delivery (PAID) model and that meeting requirements of sustainability and resilience.


A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for

attending the program will be emailed to the attendee.

OSPE-FCC April Luncheon Program

Date:  Thursday, April 6, 2023

Place:  Hickory House

550 Officecenter Pl., Gahanna, OH

Time:  Registration: 11:30 am

Lunch: 11:50 am

Speaker: 12:00 pm

Closing Remarks: 1:00 pm

Cost: Members: $25.00 & Non-Members: $35.00.

                            SPE@OSU Students: $10.00

Registration: CLICK HERE!! Pay by check or cash at door.  No access to a computer, contact Steve Day, at 614-876-7525, to help with registration.

Title: “Slope Stabilization and Methods of Landslide Remediation”

Abstract: In this presentation, the process of slope stability evaluation and landslide remediation methods including slope geometry modification, improving the drainage system, ground improvements, slope reinforcement and use of retaining structures will be reviewed.  In addition, different types of slope stabilization methods including slope reconstruction, chemical stabilization, soil nailing, stone columns, soldier pile and lagging walls, gabion baskets, gravity and cantilever concrete walls, and MSE walls will be briefly described.  Learning outcomes: 1-Stability Evaluation; 2-Slope Stabilization Methods; 3-Retaining Structures.

Presenter:.Mehrdad Rowhani, PE, PMP, Senior Project Manager, Weaver Consultants Group

Biography: Mehrdad Rowhani, P.E., PMP currently serves as OSPE-FCC Vice President and Senior Project Manager for Weaver Consultants Group. He has more than 20 years of experience in civil infrastructure projects including the design and construction of roadways and bridges, retaining walls, earth and rockfill dams, irrigation networks, water and wastewater refineries and networks, landfills, transmission lines, landslide remediation, and residential and commercial buildings. He is experienced in the design of shallow and deep foundations, soil stabilization methods, dewatering and excavation methods of underground structures, grouting and soil improvement methods. He is an expert in conducting geotechnical analyses such as seepage, settlement, slope stability and seismic analyses using numerical modeling tools. He has also been involved in numerous projects requiring complex soil-structure interaction analyses.


A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be emailed to the attendee

OSPE-FCC March 2023 Luncheon Program

Date:  Thursday, March 2, 2023

Place:  Hickory House, 550 Officecenter Pl., Gahanna, OH

Time:  Registration: 11:30 am, Lunch: 11:50 am

Speaker: 12:00 pm, Closing Remarks: 1:00 pm

Cost: Members: $25.00 & Non-Members: $35.00,  SPE@OSU Students: $10.00

Registration: CLICK HERE!!!  (Pay at door cash or check)

Title: “Camp Ravenna Master Plan and Stormwater Control”

Abstract: We assisted the Adjutant General’s Department to perform a Drainage Assessment at the Main Post Cantonment Area for the Camp Ravenna Joint Military Training Center located in Portage County, Ohio. The objective of this study was to verify the sewer connectivity and assess the conditions of the existing storm sewers. This approach was based on data collected during field investigations, smoke testing and closed-circuit televising (CCTV), with the intent of creating Corrective Actions Plans to alleviate flooding at the intersection of George Road and South Service Road. Concerns over age, the structural integrity of the pipe, and potential capacity constraints led to the initiation of this project. The purpose was to provide the Adjutant General’s Department with storm and sanitary sewer recommendations designed to optimize the performance and maintenance of the sewer collection system. These recommendations lead to sewer rehabilitation and repair projects that were intended to structurally and operationally improve the on-site system and mitigate current flooding/sewer backups.

Attendees will learn 1) Data collection processes through field investigations, smoke testing and closed-circuit televising (CCTV) 2) How to optimize the performance and maintenance of a sewer collection system 3) On-site system recommendations.

 Presenter: Mr. Dustin Doherty, PE, MS4-SCP, CPESC, Principal at Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.

Biography: Mr. Doherty is a seasoned civil engineer with over 17 years of successful experience managing site civil design projects, hydraulic modeling, public infrastructure assessment/

rehabilitation, private commercial site design, institutional utility projects and City Engineer support services. This type of experience provides Mr. Doherty with the knowledge base to provide technically competent and cost-effective solutions for utility infrastructure. As a former municipal engineer for Grove City, Whitehall, Reynoldsburg, and Sunbury, Dustin has extensive experience effectively presenting information in public meetings (council meetings, committee meetings, commission meetings, etc.). He has participated and/or led public outreach efforts for many projects and engages the public frequently to work through any concerns. He supports CEC’s engineering efforts for capital improvement projects for various communities. He is an experienced project manager and engineer who is very familiar with the engineering requirements relating to public infrastructure improvements.

A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be presented at the luncheon.