OSPE-FCC August 2022 Virtual Program

Date:  Thursday, August 18, 2022

Location: Zoom Meeting, 12:00pm -1:00pm

RegistrationCLICK HERE!!!

Registration closes at 5:00 pm, August 16, 2022

After registration is closed and prior to the presentation, a Zoom link will be sent to the registrants.


Cost: Free to members of NSPE and members OSPE/FCC.


Title: “Asset Management: Well Rehabilitation”


Abstract:  Throughout a well’s service life, plugging occurs both within the wellbore and adjacent geologic formation. This results in a decline in the wells operational efficiency, pumping capacity, specific capacity, and water quality over time. This presentation will address how to properly identify well fouling mechanisms and make corrective measures through a proper well rehabilitation plan/project approach. This presentation will also discuss how to develop a preventative maintenance program to help optimize service life for a well and its operation following rehabilitation.

 Biography: Matt Barnes serves as the Operations Manager for National Water Services LLC’s Ohio Service Division. Mr. Barnes has nearly 10 years of experience in the Water Resources Industry. Mr. Barnes started his career as a project manager, overseeing negotiated projects and large contract work, with projects ranging between $15,000.00 to $1.1 million in value. Mr. Barnes’ project experience includes, but is not limited to: hydro geologic investigations, test drilling/geotechnical services, high capacity water supply well drilling and construction, non-metallic ore mining, pipe fitting/pipe line installation, water filtration services, pump design/repairs, well rehabilitation/repairs, surface water intake structure upgrades, preventative maintenance/asset management services and asset viability recommendation projects. Mr. Barnes helps design and implement NWS’s safety initiatives along with training programs to meet both company and industrial client standards. Mr. Barnes also provides technical support via attending preconstruction meetings, client sales meetings, design build project development and technical review writeups for project design, execution, and project safe work plans.


A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be emailed to you.