OSPE-FCC Mentorship Program Launch April 2022

Did you join OSPE-FCC to connect with engineers who are leaders in their field? Or perhaps you're a seasoned engineer looking to connect to rising new talent? If so, the OSPE-FCC Mentorship Program is here for YOU! The program will kick off in late April, running through August 2022. Mentors/mentees will be paired for one-on-one mentorship sessions based on mutual interest.

If you are a professional or student member interested in participating as a mentor or mentee, please reach out to Young Engineer Trustee Colleen Konsavage at ckonsav1@gmail.com by Sunday, April 17th for more information.

OSPE-FCC March 2022 Virtual Program

OSPE-FCC March Virtual Program


Date:  Thursday, March 17, 2022

Location: Zoom Meeting, 12:00pm -1:00pm EST

Registration CLICK HERE!!! Registration closes at 5:00 pm EST, Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Visit www.fccospe.org. to register on online. Be sure to include your membership number.

 After registration is closed and prior to the presentation a Zoom link will be sent to the registrants.


Cost: Free to members of NSPE and members OSPE/FCC.


Title: “Ohio Penal Industries (OPI) Past, Present and Future”


Abstract: “Ohio Penal Industries (OPI) has been established in Ohio prisons since the early 1900s providing services and products to state agencies.  We will share the history of OPI and how it has evolved into the job training program it is today and where we as leadership hope to take it in the future.  Current services include: construction services; asbestos abatement; heavy duty vehicle modifications; personal protective equipment; and many others. OPI performs numerous building activities for Ohio prisons, demolition activities, and reconstruction/renovation projects. OPI currently provides services to the Ohio State Department of Transportation (ODOT) to modify and construct their highway salt trucks. Additionally, we will share several of our projects and initiatives that will be coming in the near future including one of the nation’s first nitrile glove operations and a dairy processing plant that will be converted to storage warehouses.”


Biography: Travis Hall, Regional Industry Manager 3, Ohio Penal Industries. Travis has served as a Regional Industry Manager 3 with OPI since August 2020.  He is tasked with overseeing the operations of several manufacturing operations throughout Ohio’s prisons.  Travis has several years of manufacturing and logistic experience.  He began his career as a correction officer at the London Correctional Institution in 2008 where he was also the Industry Manager of several shops at that facility.  He later held the position of Enterprise Resource Planning manager where he was instrumental in the implementation of the Resource Management system used today in several correctional industries throughout the nation. Travis is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.


Biography: Chelsey Stillings, Regional Industry Manager 3, Ohio Penal Industries. Chelsey has served as a Regional Industry Manager 3 with OPI since June 2021.  She is tasked with overseeing the operations of several manufacturing operations throughout Ohio’s prisons.  She began her career as a correction officer at the Ohio Reformatory for Women in 2009 where she held several positions including Lieutenant and Captain.  She also served the capacity of Inspector and Major.  Chelsey graduated from Ashland University with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. 


Biography: Ann King, Chief, Ohio Penal Industries. Ann is the Chief of Ohio Penal Industries.  Appointed in November 2020, she oversees the operations of over 30 workshops and services throughout Ohio prisons.  She began her career with the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction as a correction officer at the Ohio Reformatory for Women in 1996.  Throughout her correctional career she has worked in a variety of positions including Storekeeper, Record Management Officer, Unit Manager, Unit Management Chief, Industry Manger positions.  Ann graduated from the University of Rio Grande with a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration.


A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for

attending the program will be emailed to you.

Franklin County Chapter is participating in the 2022 CENTRAL OHIO ENGINEERS WEEK LUNCHEON at 11:00 AM on February 24th at Bridgewater Banquet & Conference Center, 10561 Sawmill Pkwy Powell, OH 43065.  Below is the Speaker information.



Greetings!  Please join us for our 2022 Columbus Engineer’s Week Lunch.  Story Musgrave will be presenting his life story.  Farm Kid to Trauma Surgeon to Rocketman and Way Beyond: Excellence, Exploration and Evolution.

 This presentation will focus on the lessons learned over the course of his life as a farm kid, marine, trauma surgeon, engineer, astronaut and beyond.  How these lessons make you a better persona and a better engineer.

Story Musgrave was born in 1935 on a dairy farm in Stockbridge, MA. He explored the forests by himself at 3 and by 5 floated his homebuilt rafts on the rivers. He rode combines at 7, drove trucks and tractors at 10 and when alone in remote fields, repaired them at the age of 13. Also at the age of 13 he solo-piloted an aircraft and over the next 71 years, flew 18,000 hours including 7000 in supersonic aircraft while earning his wings from the U.S. Air Force and NASA. Story also established and operated the Berkshire Maple Syrup Company on his own at the age of 14.

Story never finished school, he instead ran off to join the U. S. Marines at 17 where he was an aircraft engine mechanic, crew chief and plane captain at Marine Airbase K-6, Korea and on the aircraft carrier USS Wasp. During college he drove and repaired M47 and M48 tanks with the Marine Corps Active Reserve. He is a parachutist with over 800 jumps including 100 experimental freefalls involving the first study of the aerodynamics of the free flying human body.

Story has 6 graduate degrees in math, computers, chemistry, medicine, biological physics, and literature and has been awarded 22 honorary doctorates. He was a part-time trauma surgeon at the University of Colorado Medical Center for the duration of his astronaut career.

Story was a NASA Astronaut for over 30 years, flying on six spaceflights. He performed the first shuttle spacewalk during Challenger’s first flight, was a pilot on an astronomy mission, conducted two classified DOD missions, was the lead spacewalker on the first Hubble Space Telescope repair mission and operated an electronic chip manufacturing satellite on Columbia. He was the lead communicator in the NASA Mission Control Center for 25 other missions.

Today, Story is a producer/director of multimedia, a landscape architect, a heavy equipment operator, an artist/designer/engineer with Applied Minds LLC, a Professor of Design at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA. and is a consultant and speaker on topics such as design driven innovation, problem solving, personal and professional development, operational excellence, human performance, reliability, quality and safety.

He has 7 beautiful children: Lorelei, Scott, Holly, Todd, Jeff, Lane and “little” Story, ranging from ages 61 to 14 years, 3 beautiful grandchildren, and a beautiful wife, Amanda.



OSPE-FCC January Virtual Program

Date:  Thursday, January 20, 2022

Location: Zoom Meeting, 12:00pm -1:00pm


Registration closes at 5:00 pm, January 17, 2021

After registration is closed and prior to the presentation a Zoom link will be sent to the registrants.

Cost: Free to members of NSPE and members OSPE/FCC. Cost to a non-members is $10.00.

Title: “Space Resources and Additive Manufacturing: A Flexible Solution for Future Long-Duration Space Exploration”

Abstract Both the USA and China have announced plans to return to the Moon by the end of the decade and fly human missions to Mars in the 2030's.  These missions will push the limits of system reliability and place a massive logistical and cost burden on the mission to ensure critical spare parts are available.  Additive manufacturing offers a potential solution by allowing parts and components to be produced when needed, reducing waste and mission cost while ensuring astronaut safety.  Once at the Moon or Mars, additive manufacturing using local resources (in-situ resource utilization) for the construction of astronaut habitats provide better astronaut protection than can reasonably be brought from Earth.  Closer to home, in-space additive manufacturing could be used to produce large structures such as antenna and solar panel booms which are too large or delicate to be launched from Earth, opening the door to next-generation communication satellites.  This talk will seek to introduce the topics of in-space additive manufacturing and in-situ resource utilization, the unique challenges of these environments, and some of the current research in these areas.

Biography: Peter Corwin is a PhD candidate in the Space Resources program at Colorado School of Mines, researching in-space metal additive manufacturing.  He holds BS and MS degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from Case Western Reserve University.  Peter has 5 years of experience in conventional manufacturing as a metallurgical engineer in the steel industry.  He is a 6Sigma green belt and has led projects conducting root cause analysis and process optimization, with one project leading to a 17% increase in line throughput through the design and implementation of a computational neural network.


A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be emailed to you.