OSPE-FCC March 2022 Virtual Program

OSPE-FCC March Virtual Program


Date:  Thursday, March 17, 2022

Location: Zoom Meeting, 12:00pm -1:00pm EST

Registration CLICK HERE!!! Registration closes at 5:00 pm EST, Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Visit www.fccospe.org. to register on online. Be sure to include your membership number.

 After registration is closed and prior to the presentation a Zoom link will be sent to the registrants.


Cost: Free to members of NSPE and members OSPE/FCC.


Title: “Ohio Penal Industries (OPI) Past, Present and Future”


Abstract: “Ohio Penal Industries (OPI) has been established in Ohio prisons since the early 1900s providing services and products to state agencies.  We will share the history of OPI and how it has evolved into the job training program it is today and where we as leadership hope to take it in the future.  Current services include: construction services; asbestos abatement; heavy duty vehicle modifications; personal protective equipment; and many others. OPI performs numerous building activities for Ohio prisons, demolition activities, and reconstruction/renovation projects. OPI currently provides services to the Ohio State Department of Transportation (ODOT) to modify and construct their highway salt trucks. Additionally, we will share several of our projects and initiatives that will be coming in the near future including one of the nation’s first nitrile glove operations and a dairy processing plant that will be converted to storage warehouses.”


Biography: Travis Hall, Regional Industry Manager 3, Ohio Penal Industries. Travis has served as a Regional Industry Manager 3 with OPI since August 2020.  He is tasked with overseeing the operations of several manufacturing operations throughout Ohio’s prisons.  Travis has several years of manufacturing and logistic experience.  He began his career as a correction officer at the London Correctional Institution in 2008 where he was also the Industry Manager of several shops at that facility.  He later held the position of Enterprise Resource Planning manager where he was instrumental in the implementation of the Resource Management system used today in several correctional industries throughout the nation. Travis is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.


Biography: Chelsey Stillings, Regional Industry Manager 3, Ohio Penal Industries. Chelsey has served as a Regional Industry Manager 3 with OPI since June 2021.  She is tasked with overseeing the operations of several manufacturing operations throughout Ohio’s prisons.  She began her career as a correction officer at the Ohio Reformatory for Women in 2009 where she held several positions including Lieutenant and Captain.  She also served the capacity of Inspector and Major.  Chelsey graduated from Ashland University with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. 


Biography: Ann King, Chief, Ohio Penal Industries. Ann is the Chief of Ohio Penal Industries.  Appointed in November 2020, she oversees the operations of over 30 workshops and services throughout Ohio prisons.  She began her career with the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction as a correction officer at the Ohio Reformatory for Women in 1996.  Throughout her correctional career she has worked in a variety of positions including Storekeeper, Record Management Officer, Unit Manager, Unit Management Chief, Industry Manger positions.  Ann graduated from the University of Rio Grande with a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration.


A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for

attending the program will be emailed to you.