OSPE-FCC December Virtual Program

Date:  Thursday, December 16, 2021

Location: Zoom Meeting, 12:00pm -1:00pm

RegistrationCLICK HERE

Registration closes at 5:00 pm, December 13, 2021

After registration is closed and prior to the presentation a Zoom link will be sent to the registrants.

Cost: Cost $10.00, Members of NSPE and members OSPE/FCC are free.

Title: “P&C Engineering 101: High Voltage Power Protection Basics”

Abstract:  This seminar serves as an introduction to the principles of protection and control (P&C) as applied to electric utility high voltage stations. Topics include the general philosophy of power grid protection, how to identify zones of protection, the role of instrument transformers in relaying, the methodology of relay operation, and an overview of different types of relays and protective schemes. This foundational overview provides vocabulary and P&C engineering basics to enable curious participants to understand more advanced relaying topics and technologies in the future. The target audience is non-experts, with all disciplines and interested individuals welcome.

Biography: Colleen Konsavage, PE, is an engineering supervisor at Commonwealth Associates, Inc, an engineering and consulting firm that specializes in power industry applications. Colleen holds a BSE degree in systems and control engineering from Case Western Reserve University and an MS degree in nuclear engineering from The University of Pittsburgh. Ms. Konsavage is a trustee on the board of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)- Franklin County Chapter, an executive officer of the Columbus Section of IEEE, and a member of the IEEE PES PSRC working group D43, focusing on the effect of distribution automation on protective relaying. Colleen is a registered professional engineer in Ohio, Illinois, and Missouri. Interests include carbon-free energy, control systems, smart grid technology, and STEM outreach/membership.


A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be emailed to you.