Feb 2018 - Engineers Week Luncheon

Central Ohio Engineers Week Luncheon

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Bridgewater Banquet & Conference Center 10561 Sawmill Parkway—Powell, Ohio 43065

Join us in “Inspiring Wonder” during 2018 Engineers Week
Network with colleagues and meet local high school & college students interested in engineering

THE ROLE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT IN DISASTERS Keynote Speaker: Laura Adcock, Ohio Emergency Management Agency (Ohio EMA)

When natural disasters strike, engineers play a vital role in the response and recovery process. Engineering expertise in a variety of disciplines is needed to assess damage to infrastructure and restore water service, communication lines, power grids and the transportation network.

Ms. Adcock will talk about how the engineering profession aids local governments following disasters.

Laura Adcock is the Disaster Recovery Branch Chief at the Ohio EMA, where she administers the FEMA Public Assistance Grant Program following Presidential disaster declarations and has implemented the Program for 26 Presidential disaster declarations in Ohio.

11:30 am — Registration 12:00 pm — Lunch 12:15 - 1:15pm — Program

Menu: Choice of Lemon-Rosemary Grilled Chicken, Roasted Red Potatoes, and Seasonal Vegetable Medley OR Vegetarian entrée.

Cost: $25.00 Early Bird - registration by February 10th $35.00 After February 10th Students are Free - Contact Kristin Studabaker to register at kstudabaker@cmtran.com

Reservations: Meal selections and online payment can be made at:

Engineers Week Luncheon Registration (CLICK HERE!)

If paying by check, please mail checks to: Jared Love WSP 2 Miranova Place, Suite 450 Jared.Love@wsp.com Checks Payable to Ohio Section ITE

Questions: Please contact Jared Love at Jared.Love@wsp.com or (614) 791-5176