May 2016 FCC-OSPE Luncheon


We urge Chapter members and guests to come and support the Chapter’s newly elected officers and help recognizes the Chapter Awardees.

Date: Thursday, May 19, 2016

Place: La Scala Restaurant, 4199 W. Dublin Granville Rd., Dublin

Registration: 11:30 am, Welcome & Lunch: 11:40 am

Awards Presentation: 12:30 pm, Closing Remarks: 1:30 pm

Cost: Members: $20.00 & Non-Members: $30.00.

Registration: CLICK HERE

The chapter cannot be successful without member support. There are many areas which members can lend their support. We have monthly programs except during the summer months and in December. We currently issue 10 Columbus Engineer Newsletters during the program year.

 Also during the year, we have the ”Imagine Engineering Coloring Contest” for second grade elementary students; Engineering Scholarships for graduating seniors: MATHCounts competition for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students; and Science Daygrading for Engineering related projects.

You should review the  committees listed in the back of the news letter and volunteer to work on any the committees that interest you by contacting the new FCC President, Kevin M Ernst, PE email: