October 2013 FCC-OSPE Luncheon

Date: Thursday, October 17, 2013

Place: Worthington Hills Country Club, 920 Clubview Blvd South,  Columbus, Ohio 43235

Time: Registration 11:30am,   Lunch: 12:00 noon

Cost: $20 FCC-OSPE Members,  $30 for Guests

Registration: Click Here

Topic: Program: I270 / US23 Interchange Redesign / Reconstruction - Reconfiguration of major elements and introduction of the first “Trench” construction element in Ohio is utilized to address traffic capacity and safety elements in the urban interchange location.  (This program counts for one CEU credit)


Scott Campbell, PE -  Biography 

Scott has 27 years of engineering experience in the private and public sectors of the business, including 18 years with the Ohio Department of Transportation, District 8 where he held key leadership positions until moving into the private sector in 2004.  Scott has been with HNTB for over two years and has oversight and management responsibility for several major projects within HNTB’s Ohio practice including all segments of the Franklin 270 / 315 and US23 projects. He graduated with a BS, Civil Engineering, 1987, from OSU. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in Ohio, Indiana and North Carolina. He is an At Large Director of the Board of Directors for American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) through 2015.  

Leslie Montgomery, PE -  Biography 

Leslie Montgomery, PE is ODOT Project Manager for the I 270 Interchange project.  Her 24 years experience at ODOT includes extensive highway design and project management experience including recent major projects “Columbus Crossroads” project I70 / I71 and adjacent north Outer belt  I 270 projects.  Ms Montgomery is a 1989 BSCE graduate of the Ohio State University.