OSPE-FCC November Luncheon Program

Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017

Place: La Scala Restaurant, 4199 W. Dublin Granville Rd., Dublin, OH

Time: Registration: 11:30 am, Lunch: 11:50 am, Speaker: 12:00 pm, Closing Remarks: 1:00 pm

Cost: Members: $20.00 & Non-Members: $30.00.

Registration: CLICK HERE

Title: ”Our Driverless Future: How autonomous technology will fundamentally reshape our cities

Synopsis: Autonomous vehicles are coming. At the start of 2016, typical predictions for implementation ranged from 15 to 20 years. Much has changed in a year. The pace of implementation has rapidly increased and driverless cars – Uber, Tesla and others - are now on the roads in locations throughout the country.  It is technology that will fundamentally change much of what we know about personal transportation – changing our habits, our preferences, and our opportunities, and nothing will be more impacted by these changes than our cities.

As city planners and leaders, we must be on the forefront of understanding this technology and how we can prepare for the potential impacts. Our research team will present findings on a regional and local scale, in order to outline the immediate and near-term steps needed to prepare your city for this inevitable change.

Using a robust modeling approach, we will explain the likely pace and location of adoption. We will also show the places most impacted by this technology both on at city-wide and site-specific scale. The impacts of shared-driver and owner-based models will be presented, along with the economic impacts on cities that embrace the technology early. The presentation will include:

• Policy and planning approaches

• Potential impacts on land use, land values and development - and what we should be doing to prepare

• Potential impacts on infrastructure needs and investment

• Potential economic impacts on cities, based on their ability to adapt to the new technology

Learning results for attendees:

• A snapshot of the technology to date, and likely coming phases of implementation.

• Introduction to the emerging thinking regarding how this technology will affect everything from city form to economics to land use. 

• A call to action and framework of how to begin planning for AV technology in our communities now.


Jason is a Principal at OHM Advisors, a community advancement firm of planners, architects and engineers. Jason co-founded the Urban Mobility Research Center, an organization promoting the understanding and analysis of transformative transportation technology. Over 19 years of professional practice, he has pursued a specific interest in the relationship between our transportation choices and the resulting impacts on our infrastructure and the evolution of our cities.  Jason is an 11-year auxiliary faculty member at the Knowlton School of Architecture at the Ohio State University. Jason teaches the graduate-level Transportation Studio, including classes focused around autonomous vehicles and driverless technology.


Rick Stein is a co-founder of the Urban Mobility Research Center, and the Principal and Owner of Urban Decision Group – an urban planning and professional services firm that specializes in spatial and non-spatial information analysis. Mr. Stein is a certified Urban Planner, with a specialty in the utilization of technology to aid in the planning process. Mr. Stein has worked in a variety of industries including architecture, planning, education, insurance and banking, utilities, telecommunications, and real estate market analysis. He has a passion for data and technology and is a proud tech geek.

PRESENTER: Justin Robbins, AICP

Justin is a Senior Planner / Project Manager at OHM Advisors, and a co-founder of the Urban Mobility Research Center. Experience in community planning, urban design, and architecture have given Justin an understanding of the physical, spatial, and policy aspects needed to create successful places. Justin’s interests have focused on the connection between transportation and the built environment, with a strong emphasis on minimizing the impacts of cars on our urban places.  Justin is an adjunct faculty member at The Ohio State University, teaching graduate level urban design                                                               

A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be presented at the luncheon.

OSPE-FCC October 2017 Luncheon

OSPE-FCC October Luncheon Program

Date: Thursday, October 19, 2017

Place: La Scala Restaurant, 4199 W. Dublin Granville Rd., Dublin, OH

Time: Registration: 11:30 am, Lunch: 11:50 am, Speaker: 12:00 pm, Closing Remarks: 1:00 pm

Cost: Members: $20.00 & Non-Members: $30.00.

Registration: CLICK HERE

Title:  ”3D Printing and How it Impacts Engineers”

Synopsis: Additive manufacturing or 3D printing is rapidly becoming one of the most ubiquitous technologies around the globe.  Ironically, it is simultaneously one of the least understood manufacturing processes and how it interacts and impacts other manufactured systems is even more confused.  Additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing have become the catch all phases for a wide breadth of processes, materials and systems.  Hold any two variables constant and the remaining variable still creates a matrix of options that is too ominous to create and optimize design guidelines.  That said, it is not doom and gloom, rather it is an evolutional opportunity at a global scale.  Some of the most recognized benefits of AM come as an unintended consequence of its simplicity.  Schools are exposing students as young as kindergarten to AM.  These students continue their academic careers thinking in 3D space.  This is the first time in history that elementary school children learn, study and think in three dimensions.  When their generation hits the marketplace, we are poised to experience a landslide of amazing technological advancements.         

Associate Director & Engineering Manager, The Ohio State University
College of Engineering Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence

BIOGRAPHY:  Nate Ames is the Associate Director and Engineering Manager for OSU’s Center for Design and Manufacturing (CDME).  His role in CDME leverages his professional experiences as an entrepreneur, manager, and production engineer.  Nate holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Welding Engineering.  He spent the first five years of his professional career at Swagelok Company as a manufacturing engineering and later as a product development and research engineer.  Following Swagelok, Nate spent 11 years at EWI where he held the roles of Engineering Manager for the Material Science group, Business Development Manager for the energy and chemical market segments and was the Director for a public-private center focused on advance fabrication technologies for the nuclear industry.  He then moved into an entrepreneurial period where he launched a few companies in different markets ranging from energy infrastructure, health products processing equipment and electronics.  Nate sold the majority of his ventures prior to joining OSU.  He joined the university specifically to help create CDME, largely based on the gaps he identified while doing product development and commercialization throughout his career


A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be presented at the luncheon.

OSPE-FCC September 2017 Luncheon Program

Date: Thursday, September 21, 2017

Place: La Scala Restaurant, 4199 W. Dublin Granville Rd., Dublin, OH

Time: Registration: 11:30 am, Lunch: 11:50 am, Speaker: 12:00 pm, Closing Remarks: 1:00 pm

Cost: Members: $20.00 & Non-Members: $30.00.

Registration: CLICK HERE

Title: “Grid Assurance"

Synopsis: Emerging threats to the electric power grid due to natural calamities or physical attacks have led to the need for a pro-active, collaborative industry-led response to address grid resilience.  Grid Assurance was formed in May 2016 by six geographically and technically diverse electric utility companies to provide a shared, secure, strategic reserve of long lead time transmission assets, stored securely and with pre-planned delivery logistics in order to achieve rapid deployment and restoration of electric transmission facilities following major disruptive events.  The pooled resource diversifies the risk and reduces the cost to subscribers and their customers compared to each company acting independently.  Grid Assurance currently is developing its Operation and securing both subscribers and additional equity partners to bring this much needed service to life.  This presentation will describe the context, challenges and operational scope of services to be provided by Grid Assurance in service to the electric power industry and the communities it serves.         

PRESENTER: Jeff Fleeman, PE, COO Grid Assurance LLC (GA)

BIOGRAPHY:  Jeff Fleeman (jjafleeman@aep.com) is serving as Chief Operating Officer of Grid Assurance LLC (GA), and is responsible for the development of GA’s strategic equipment inventory, secure warehouses and delivery logistics.  Jeff has been employed with American Electric Power (AEP) since 1981, where he is currently Managing Director of Transmission Business Development.  Prior to this, Jeff served as Vice President – Technology of BOLD™ Transmission LLC, a newly formed AEP affiliate that develops and licenses high capacity high efficiency line design technology.  Concurrently, Jeff served as Director of Advanced Transmission Studies and Technologies at AEP, where he had system-wide responsibility for:  AEP transmission technology strategy; HVDC/FACTs systems; system dynamic analysis; and asset performance and renewal programs including asset replacement planning, grid resiliency analysis, spare transformer strategy and the implementation of AEP’s Asset Health Center.  He also has held AEP system-wide leadership roles in Transmission Asset Engineering, Substation Engineering, and Major Transmission Equipment.  Jeff has BSEE and MSEE degrees from The Ohio State University.  He currently chairs the Power System Electric Research Center (PSERC) Industry Advisory Board, served as Chair of EPRI’s Transmission & Substation Advisory Council from 2011-2017 and was Chair of EEI’s Transmission Committee from 2005-2007.  He is a senior member of IEEE, and Chairs the IEEE/PES Region 2 Scholarship Plus Committee.  Jeff is a member of CIGRE and is a registered PE in Ohio. 


A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be presented at the luncheon.


OSPE-FCC May Luncheon Program

Date: Thursday May 18, 2017

Place: La Scala Restaurant, 4199 W. Dublin Granville Rd., Dublin, OH

Time: Registration: 11:30 am, Lunch: 11:50 am, Closing Remarks: 1:15 pm

Cost: Members: $20.00 & Non-Members: $30.00.

Registration: CLICK HERE

Program: Officer Installation & FCC Awards

  • FCC members and guests come to the luncheon to show your support for the new officers being installed for 2017-2018.
  • Honor the FCC Award Recipients