October 16, FCC-OSPE Luncheon

Date: October 16, 2014

Place: LaScala Restaurant, 4199 West Dublin Granville Road, Dublin, Ohio

Time: Registration: 11:30 am, Lunch: 11:45 am

Cost: Members: $20.00, Non-Members $30.00


Program: A Basic Introduction to Environmental Engineering for Non-Environmental Engineers 

As professional engineers it is often expected that we are familiar with many technical areas that are beyond the scope of our primary discipline of engineering. In an era where engineering education is becoming increasingly specialized, it is inherent in our responsibilities as professional to understand enough about related areas of engineering to work in a multi-disciplinary project.

In this seminar, we will briefly cover the history and basics of how the various regulatory agencies implement and enforce environmental laws and regulation. We will cover the basics of several common environmental regulations that are likely to be encountered on a typical design project, and discuss key implications these regulations may have on project design and schedule, including construction and post-construction stormwater management requirements, National Environmental Policy Act coordination, all appropriate inquiry, wetlands and air permitting. Finally we will discuss some current local environmental hot topics, including horizontal fracing, climate change and toxic algae.

Speaker: Devon E. Seal, P.E., MBA

Devon has over 10 years of experience at Gresham, Smith and Partners as an environmental consultant for airport, municipal and industrial clients. Devon is an environmental project manager with experience that includes environmental management assistance, regulatory compliance audits and environmental assessments, stormwater management assistance, air emissions inventories, industrial cleaning, national environmental policy act assistance, resource conservation and recovery act reporting, spill prevention and environmental training. Her work includes assisting clients with identifying compliance issues, developing and implementing environmental regulatory strategy, and she has been involved in projects from the preliminary planning phases through construction close-out. Devon received a BS in Chemical Engineering from the Ohio State University and a Master of Business Administration from the Ohio State University Fisher College of Business.

A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be presented at the luncheon.

September 18, 2014 Luncheon

Attend Sept 18, 2014 FCC-OSPE Luncheon 

Date: Thursday, September 18, 2014

Place: La Scala Restaurant, 4199 W. Dublin Granville Rd., Dublin, OH

Time: Registration: 11:30 am, Lunch: 11:50 am, Speaker: 12:00 pm, Closing Remarks: 1:00 pm

Cost: Members: $20.00, Non-Members and auxilliary: $30.00.

Registration: CLICK HERE!!!

Topic:  Columbus Upground Reservoir

This presentation describes how the recently completed Columbus Upground Reservoir has become an integral component of the Scioto River Water Resource System. This off-stream reservoir, along with its associated raw water pump station and interconnecting pipeline, will provide additional source supply, along with the existing on-stream reservoirs, to help meet future water demands of customers being served by the Columbus’ Dublin Road Water Plant during a 50-year drought, as well as to provide additional source supply for the Del-Co Water Company.

The physical size and innovative design of this 9.3-billion-gallon, 850-acre off-stream raw water supply impoundment is record setting, as the earth embankments have a 5-mile perimeter, making it the longest Class I Dam in Ohio. The reservoir’s composite lined bottom, installed due to Karst limestone geology underlying the site, is one of the world’s largest and consists of 37 million square feet of geomembrane and 2 million cubic yards of compacted clay liner (CCL).

The presentation will briefly describe the water source supply components including the Scioto River, the existing on-stream reservoirs, the new John R Doutt Reservoir and its associated raw water pump station and pipeline. Existing and planned public water systems for the City of Columbus and the Del-Co Water Company that will utilize the Scioto River as its source supply will also be identified. This part of the discussion will also show how the Scioto River is being used for flow conveyance and thus has deferred multi-million dollar expenditures for pipeline construction.

The presentation will also describe how the project restored unobstructed river flow and fish migration to a 9-mile stretch of the Scioto River with the removal of a 1920's era low head dam at the Marion/Delaware County line; and by the use of a pneumatic weir gate system spanning the Scioto River in lieu of a permanent intake impoundment

Speaker: Kenneth Ricker, PE

Mr. Ricker has over 31 years of experience- 24 years at ms consultants- assisting clients in a the planning, design, financing and construction of a variety of projects, including public water supply, treatment, and distribution, wastewater collection & treatment, solid and hazardous waste management. He received a BS in Civil Engineering from the Ohio State University. Prior to joining ms, he had seven years of public service performing engineering reviews of studies and construction documents and providing technical assistance to governmental agencies financing their wastewater projects through the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Environmental & Financial Assistance. Mr. Ricker has been a member of the American Water Works Association since 1991.

A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be presented at the luncheon.

May 20, 2014 FCC-OSPE Luncheon

Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Place: Scioto Country Club, 2196 Riverside Drive, Columbus, Ohio

Time: Registration: 11:30 am, Lunch: 11:45 am

Cost: Members: $23.00


The Franklin County Chapter of Professional Engineers and its Auxiliary are having a joint meeting.

Lunch will be buffet style, and officers will be installed following lunch.  Cost is $23.00.

Chapter members must make reservations before May 15th.  Send checks to:

June Gray

376 Shelby Ave. West

Powell, OH  43065

Make checks out to:  FCC/OSPE Auxiliary

Cancellation deadline for checks to be returned is Tues., May 15th.

Sharon Eifert of the Auxiliary will give the invocation and lead the pledge of allegiance.  Barb Fuller will be hostess for the occasion.

Installation of FCC-OSPE Officers by Howard Jones:

FCC will be recognizing their award recipients for the year.

April 17, 2014 FCC-OSPE Luncheon

April 17, 2014 FCC-OSPE Luncheon

Date: Thursday April 17, 2014

Place: La Scala Restaurant, 4199 W. Dublin Granville Rd., Dublin, OH

Time: Registration: 11:30 am, Lunch: 11:50 am, Speaker: 12:00 pm, Closing Remarks: 1:00 pm

Cost: Members: $20.00, Non-Members and auxilliary: $30.00.

Registration: Click Here

Topic:  Legislation and how it affects the Professional Engineer

There are currently 33 bills in the Ohio House of representatives and Ohio Senate that have an impact on the Profession of Engineering. I would like to highlight a few of the current bills and discuss how Professional Engineers throughout the state can aid the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers in the preservation of the PE License.

Speaker: Joseph V. Warino, PE, PS, F.NSPE   Joseph V. Warino is a registered Professional Engineer, registered Professional Surveyor, and Fellow in the National Society of Professional Engineers. He served as President of the Ohio Society …

Speaker: Joseph V. Warino, PE, PS, F.NSPE  

Joseph V. Warino is a registered Professional Engineer, registered Professional Surveyor, and Fellow in the National Society of Professional Engineers. He served as President of the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers (2009-2010) and President of the Engineers Foundation of Ohio (2007-08), 2012-13).  Joe currently serves the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers as Vice President of Legislation and Government Affairs. Joe received his Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from YSU with a minor in Economics.  Joe has served on the Advisory Board for YSU’s Civil Engineering program for the past 12 years, and was awarded the YSU Outstanding Alumnus Award in 2010.  Joe has held several public and professional positions in the Mahoning Valley.

A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be presented at the luncheon.