April 17, 2014 FCC-OSPE Luncheon

April 17, 2014 FCC-OSPE Luncheon

Date: Thursday April 17, 2014

Place: La Scala Restaurant, 4199 W. Dublin Granville Rd., Dublin, OH

Time: Registration: 11:30 am, Lunch: 11:50 am, Speaker: 12:00 pm, Closing Remarks: 1:00 pm

Cost: Members: $20.00, Non-Members and auxilliary: $30.00.

Registration: Click Here

Topic:  Legislation and how it affects the Professional Engineer

There are currently 33 bills in the Ohio House of representatives and Ohio Senate that have an impact on the Profession of Engineering. I would like to highlight a few of the current bills and discuss how Professional Engineers throughout the state can aid the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers in the preservation of the PE License.

Speaker: Joseph V. Warino, PE, PS, F.NSPE   Joseph V. Warino is a registered Professional Engineer, registered Professional Surveyor, and Fellow in the National Society of Professional Engineers. He served as President of the Ohio Society …

Speaker: Joseph V. Warino, PE, PS, F.NSPE  

Joseph V. Warino is a registered Professional Engineer, registered Professional Surveyor, and Fellow in the National Society of Professional Engineers. He served as President of the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers (2009-2010) and President of the Engineers Foundation of Ohio (2007-08), 2012-13).  Joe currently serves the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers as Vice President of Legislation and Government Affairs. Joe received his Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from YSU with a minor in Economics.  Joe has served on the Advisory Board for YSU’s Civil Engineering program for the past 12 years, and was awarded the YSU Outstanding Alumnus Award in 2010.  Joe has held several public and professional positions in the Mahoning Valley.

A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be presented at the luncheon.

March FCC-OSPE Luncheon

Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014

Time: Registration 11:30 am, Lunch 12:00 noon

Place: Worthington Hills Country Club, 920 Clubview Blvd South

Cost: $20 FCC-OSPE Members, $20 FCC Auxiliary, $30 Non-Members

Registration: Click Here

PROGRAM I-70/I-71 South Innerbelt Study – Project 2 -East Interchange

ABSTRACTLeslie Montgomery and Tom Hibbard. Leslie will speak about the history of the improvement – the study phase. Tom will speak about project 2C and 2 D that provide solutions to the East interchange.


Leslie Montgomery graduated from Ohio State University, and is a registered professional engineer.  She has worked for the Ohio Department of Transportation for 25 years.  Most recently, she has been ODOT’s project manager for the design of some of Central Ohio’s largest projects, including the I-270/US Route 23 interchange project and five phases of the downtown I-70/I-71 project. 

Tom Hibbard received his BSCE from Ohio Northern University and is a registered professional engineer.  He is a Senior Project Manager for ms consultants with over 25 years of transportation design and management experience throughout the region.  For the last 12 years, he has been the consultant team project manager for the I-70/I-71 South Innerbelt Study and the design of the I-70/I-71 East Interchange.  

A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be presented at the luncheon

Joint OSPE-FCC and IEEE Columbus Meeting

Date: Saturday, March 15, 2014

Time: Refreshments 1:30 pm, Program 2pm - 4pm

Place: Tremont Road Library, 2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221

Registration: RSVP to Tai C Wong at taicwong@hotmail.com

PROGRAM:  Stock Market Investment


To make, or lose, money in the stock market involves three components:
What to buy, When to buy and When to sell. These and the following topics will be presented.
The roles of Politics, Macro/micro-economics, Fiscal and Monetary policies.
Capitalizing on Technical Analyses following the Fundamental Analyses.
Criteria for Fundamental Analyses, Long & Short Funds, Diversification: Assets Allocation, Investment Allocation, Long-term & Short-term Investments,
The relative desirability of owning company Common Shares, Mutual Funds, and Exchange Traded Funds [ETFs], Bonds and Bond Funds, Gold & Silver.
Concepts and tools, such as the 50-day, 200-day Moving Averages, Golden Cross, Death Cross, Moving Average Convergence Divergence [MACD], Stochastic, Trading Volume, Stop Losses – Fixed amount and Trailing. Sample portfolio holdings requiring different levels of due diligence and attention.
“Real time” market interfacing will be made for clarifying the material.
It’s hoped that the participants would leave the meeting with a sense to try “one’s luck”, if he/she has not tried it before. However, only try it with fake, not real, money, especially in the beginning.

Presenter:  Tai C. Wong

BiographyTai C. Wong is an engineer-turned investor, after retiring from American Electric Power (AEP). In his investment adventure, he listens to everyone, except himself. Also, he pays little attention to what he is buying. Yet, his investment result is quite impressive. More formally, Tai received the B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E. and M.B.A. degrees from the University of  Washington, Ohio State University and New York University respectively. He also graduated from the General Electric -- Advanced Engineering Course and the University of Michigan Executive Training Program. Before retiring from AEP, he was Manager -- Regional Planning. After Tai has completed bench marking 10 Fortune-500 companies, the AEP Corporate Technology Development Department was created. He has published numerous technical papers, was an instructor of Power System Short Courses at the Ohio State University and has lectured at the Ohio University, Youngstown State University, West Virginia University, Tsinghua University, and the Electric Power Research Institute (Beijing). He is a registered Professional Engineer in Ohio and New York. Tai, a Senior Member of the IEEE,is a past member of the Governing Board of the Power & Energy Society (PES), past Chairman of the PES's Distinguished Lecturer Program and General Chairman of two IEEE-PES Winter Meetings, as well as the ESMO and PICA Conferences, each with an international attendance of some 2,500 participants. Currently, he is also a Board member of CURE -- Nationwide Children Hospital, Columbus, OH.

A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be presented at the luncheon

January 2014 FCC-OSPE Luncheon


Brian Tornes

Brian Tornes

Date: Thursday, January 16, 2013

Time: Registration 11:30 am, Lunch 12:00 noon

Place: LaScala Restaurant, 3199 W. Dublin Granville Rd

Cost: $20 FCC-OSPE Members, $30 Non-Members

Registration: Click Here

PROGRAM:  “Union County Soil Research Laboratory – Research of on-site sanitary wastewater treatment and reclamation using engineered drainage.”

ABSTRACT:  The slow draining characteristics of the most prevalent soils throughout Ohio, limit the ability of a conventional leach field to be used for on-site disposal of residential sewage.  Leach fields installed in these soils have historically failed and subsequently become a public health concern due to the discharge of partially treated wastewater to surface or groundwater resources.  To overcome these concerns, current regulations require residents living in areas without sanitary sewer service to install a more expensive alternative system for their wastewater disposal.

This study will pilot test the effectiveness of an engineered bioreactor using in-place soils in a conventional leach field design along with subsurface drainage piping to allow for effective treatment of the wastewater to occur through the microbial activity of the soil, while increasing the hydraulic capacity of the leach field.  The result will be a low cost on-site wastewater dispersal system that protects the public health and environment.

Presenter:  Brian Tornes, Burgess & Niple, Inc.

Biography:  Brian Tornes is a project manager at Burgess & Niple, Inc. with over 20 years of engineering and management experience.  As a process engineer responsible for evaluation and design of water, wastewater, and storm water management systems utilizing both active and passive treatment methods, he has designed not only traditional chemical and biological treatment processes but also constructed wetlands, bioswales, and phytoremediation systems.  Mr. Tornes holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from The Ohio State University.

A certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development for attending the program will be presented at the luncheon